New York food and restaurant writer

History is Happening. Don't Stand on the Sidelines.

What the world needs from you right now


You’re upset about what you see on the news. You’re scared for the future. You aren’t sure what to do about it. Here's what the world needs from you right now.

1) Give immediate financial support

Donate to the bail funds and black-led organizations mentioned in this guide from the Obama Foundation. Protestors and activists need cash now if their work is to have any lasting impact. You might not feel great about the looting you see on the news, but you should understand why it’s happening and support the overarching aims of protestors. For one, a good chunk of the looting has been instigated by undercover cops and covert white nationalists with the aim of discrediting the larger movement. Additionally, police and the media are intentionally shifting the narrative toward this because it’s a hot story. And most importantly, this is how social progress works. Windows can be replaced. Lives can’t.

2) Never trust or call the cops. Ever.

Did you know 40% of police officers have reports of domestic abuse against them by their spouses? Sit with that number for a moment. Since few victims of abuse actually report it, the real number is far higher. You might not look kindly on looting and civilian violence right now, but take it from a journalist with sources on the ground: the cops are escalating every situation because they crave violence. They're showing you who they are right now. Believe them. Police are not to be trusted, not now, not ever.

3) Challenge your colleagues’ politics

Many of you work for organizations that directly or indirectly make political contributions to various candidates. Find out who. Ask yourself if you support the vision of America those candidates are working towards. Challenge your colleagues to ask why your company or its leaders are supporting politicians who are complicit with and actively contributing to the problems you're seeing today.

4) Forget about Trump

Recognize that this is not about Trump or the Republicans, but hold them to account everywhere. Trump is the blister, but he's not the cause of this disease—only the symptom of a much larger sociopolitical problem. Getting Trump out of office isn't enough. Every Republican that supports him (which at this point is basically every Republican) is just as responsible. Most Democrats too. You might find activist politicians like AOC and Bernie too radical, and you may not agree with everything they say. Too bad. Incrementalism isn't working. Time's run out. Even if you live in a blue state or district, look up your primary challengers and vote for the most progressive slate you can find. It's okay if you don't fully agree. None of us fully agree even with our favorite political icons. We need this radical energy to move forward, and frankly, it's not that radical.

5) Make racists afraid again

This is important: It's your responsibility as a person in a relatively comfortable position to make racists and racist actors feel uncomfortable and afraid. The only way things change is when racists and regressives are outvoted, outspent, and forced out of the public sphere. It's the reason Germany today has such strict laws against Nazi and fascist speech. Consider that even a universally beloved figure like Martin Luther King Jr. had, at the time of his death, a lower approval rating than Trump does among Americans today. People hated him and considered him a reckless radical. It wasn't peaceful protest that changed Americans' minds; it was aggressive action that forced people to deprogram the prejudiced beliefs we're all taught from birth.

6) Share this message

Share this page or any of the links therein with three people and challenge them to share it with three more. Post screenshots of your donations to organizations this week on your social media feeds. Don't hand wring. Use this national tragedy as an opportunity to be the change you want to see in the world. Be on the right side of history. Black lives matter.